Police departments are the agencies most affected by false alarms. As such, their input as to how to solve the problem is weighted heavily – and rightfully so.
There are several strategies in use today, but none is more effective than a false alarm ordinance that mandates the use of Enhanced Call Verification (ECV), also referred to as Multiple Call Verification. Under this program, when central stations make two or more calls prior to requesting police dispatch, significant reductions in false alarm calls can be realized.
In fact, thousands of communities and even two states (Florida and Georgia) have significantly reduced false alarms by following ECV, which was developed by the National Burglar and Fire Alarm Association along with the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the National Sheriffs Association.
To learn more about EMERgency24, its array of services, supported technologies and how we can help your alarm installation company achieve its full potential now and in the future, call our Sales Department today at 1.800.800.3624.
+ Interested in becoming a dealer?Learn How to Minimize False Alarms
Community leaders can learn about ways to minimize false alarms while protecting citizens and businesses that provide your community's tax base. Click here to download presentation.